Handel: Major Choral Works [2 CDR Set]

This collection makes available vocal scores for G.F. Handel's familiar and lesser-known choral works.
Includes: Oratorios (Messiah, Israel in Egypt, Judas Maccabeaus, Semele, Solomon, Theodora, more); Chandos, Coronation & Wedding Anthems, Ode to St. Cecelia's Day, Acis & Galatea, Alexander's Feast, Dettingen Te Deum, and more
Also includes composer biographies and relevant articles from the 1911 edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians
2 CDR Set
Table of Contents:
Acis and Galatea, Act I 

1. Sinfonia
2. Oh, the pleasure of the plains!
3. Ye verdant plains and woody mountains
4. Where shall I seek the charming fair?
5. Stay, shepherd, stay!
6. Lo! Here my love!
7. Oh! Dids't thou know the pains of absent love
8. Happy, happy
9. Happy, happy
Acis and Galatea, Act II 1. Sinfonia
2. Oh, the pleasure of the plains!
3. Ye verdant plains and woody mountains
4. Where shall I seek the charming fair?
5. Stay, shepherd, stay!
6. Lo! Here my love!
7. Oh! Dids't thou know the pains of absent love
8. Happy, happy
9. Happy, happy

10. Wretched lovers!
11. O, rage
12. O ruddier than the cherry
13. Wither, fairest, art thou running
14. Cease to beauty to be suing
15. Would you gain the tender creature
16. His hideous love provokes my rage
17. Consider, fond shepherd
18. Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth
19. The flocks shall leave the mountains
20. Help, Galatea, help
21. Mourn, all ye muses!
22. Must I my Acis still bemoan
23. Tis done
24. Galatea, dry thy tears
Alexander’s Feast, Part 1 11. O, rage
12. O ruddier than the cherry
13. Wither, fairest, art thou running
14. Cease to beauty to be suing
15. Would you gain the tender creature
16. His hideous love provokes my rage
17. Consider, fond shepherd
18. Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth
19. The flocks shall leave the mountains
20. Help, Galatea, help
21. Mourn, all ye muses!
22. Must I my Acis still bemoan
23. Tis done
24. Galatea, dry thy tears

1. Overture
2. Twas at the royal feast, for Persia won
3. Happy, happy, happy pair!
4. Timotheus plac'd on high
5. The song began from Jove
6. The list'ning crowd admire the lofty sound
7. With ravish'd ears
8. The praise of Bacchus
9. Bacchus, ever fair and young
10. Sooth'd with the sound
11. He chose a mournful muse
12. He sung Darius great and good
13. With downcast looks
14. Behold Darius, great and good
15. The mighty master smiled to see
16. Softly sweet, in Lydian measure
17. War, he sung, is toil and trouble
18. The Prince, unable
19. The many rend the skies
Alexander’s Feast, Part 2 1. Overture
2. Twas at the royal feast, for Persia won
3. Happy, happy, happy pair!
4. Timotheus plac'd on high
5. The song began from Jove
6. The list'ning crowd admire the lofty sound
7. With ravish'd ears
8. The praise of Bacchus
9. Bacchus, ever fair and young
10. Sooth'd with the sound
11. He chose a mournful muse
12. He sung Darius great and good
13. With downcast looks
14. Behold Darius, great and good
15. The mighty master smiled to see
16. Softly sweet, in Lydian measure
17. War, he sung, is toil and trouble
18. The Prince, unable
19. The many rend the skies

20. Now strike the golden lyre again
21. Break his bands of sleep asunder
22. Revenge, revenge
23. Behold a ghastly band
24. Give the vengeance due
25. The princes applaud with a furious joy
26. Thais led the way
27. Thus long ago
28. At last divine Cecilia came
29. Let old Timotheus yield the prize
30. Your voices tune
Chandos Anthem No. 1, O be joyful in the Lord 21. Break his bands of sleep asunder
22. Revenge, revenge
23. Behold a ghastly band
24. Give the vengeance due
25. The princes applaud with a furious joy
26. Thais led the way
27. Thus long ago
28. At last divine Cecilia came
29. Let old Timotheus yield the prize
30. Your voices tune

1. Sonata
2. O be joyful in the Lord
3. Serve the Lord with gladness
4. Be ye sure that the Lord he is God
5. O go your way into his gates
6. For the Lord is gracious
7. Glory be to the Father
Chandos Anthem No. 10, The Lord is my light 2. O be joyful in the Lord
3. Serve the Lord with gladness
4. Be ye sure that the Lord he is God
5. O go your way into his gates
6. For the Lord is gracious
7. Glory be to the Father

1. Sinfonia
2. The Lord is my light
3. Though an host of men were laid against me
4. One thing have I desired of the Lord
5. I will offer in his dwelling an oblation
6. For who is God but the Lord
7. The Lord is my strength and my shield
8. It is the Lord that ruleth the sea
9. Sing praises unto the Lord
Chandos Anthem No. 11a, Let God arise 2. The Lord is my light
3. Though an host of men were laid against me
4. One thing have I desired of the Lord
5. I will offer in his dwelling an oblation
6. For who is God but the Lord
7. The Lord is my strength and my shield
8. It is the Lord that ruleth the sea
9. Sing praises unto the Lord

1. Sonata
2. Let God arise
3. Like as the smoke vanisheth
4. Let the righteous be glad
5. O sing unto God
6. Praised be the Lord
Chandos Anthem No. 11b, Let God arise 2. Let God arise
3. Like as the smoke vanisheth
4. Let the righteous be glad
5. O sing unto God
6. Praised be the Lord

1. Let God arise
2. Like as the smoke vanisheth
3. O sing unto God
4. Blessed be God, Allelujah
Chandos Anthem No. 12, O praise the Lord, ye angels of his 2. Like as the smoke vanisheth
3. O sing unto God
4. Blessed be God, Allelujah

1. Sonata
2. O praise the Lord, ye angels of his
3. O praise the Lord, all ye his hosts
4. For as the heav'n is high above the earth
5. The merciful goodness of the Lord
6. The Lord hath been mindful of us
7. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord
Chandos Anthem No. 2, In the Lord put I my trust 2. O praise the Lord, ye angels of his
3. O praise the Lord, all ye his hosts
4. For as the heav'n is high above the earth
5. The merciful goodness of the Lord
6. The Lord hath been mindful of us
7. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord

1. Sonata
2. In the Lord put I my trust!
3. God is a constant sure defence
4. Behold! The wicked bend their bow
5. But God, who hears the suff'ring por'r
6. Snares, fire and brimstone on their heads
7. The righteous Lord will righteous deeds
8. Then shall my song, with praise inspir'd
Chandos Anthem No. 3, Have mercy upon me, O God 2. In the Lord put I my trust!
3. God is a constant sure defence
4. Behold! The wicked bend their bow
5. But God, who hears the suff'ring por'r
6. Snares, fire and brimstone on their heads
7. The righteous Lord will righteous deeds
8. Then shall my song, with praise inspir'd

1. Sonata
2. Have mercy upon me, O God
3. Wash me throughly from my wickedness
4. For I acknowledge my faults
5. Thou shalt make me hear of joy
6. Make me a clean heart
7. Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked
Chandos Anthem No. 4, O sing unto the Lord a new song 2. Have mercy upon me, O God
3. Wash me throughly from my wickedness
4. For I acknowledge my faults
5. Thou shalt make me hear of joy
6. Make me a clean heart
7. Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked

1. Sonata
2. O sing unto the Lord a new song
3. Declare His honour unto the heathen
4. The waves of the sea rage horribly
5. O worship, worship the Lord
6. Let the whole earth stand in awe of Him
7. Let the heaven's rejoice
Chandos Anthem No. 4a, O sing unto the Lord a new song 2. O sing unto the Lord a new song
3. Declare His honour unto the heathen
4. The waves of the sea rage horribly
5. O worship, worship the Lord
6. Let the whole earth stand in awe of Him
7. Let the heaven's rejoice

1. O sing unto the Lord a new song
2. Sing unto the Lord and praise his name
3. The Lord is great
4. O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
5. Let the whole earth stand in awe of Him
6. Let the whole earth stand in awe of Him
Chandos Anthem No. 5a, I will magnify thee, O God 2. Sing unto the Lord and praise his name
3. The Lord is great
4. O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
5. Let the whole earth stand in awe of Him
6. Let the whole earth stand in awe of Him

1. Sonata
2. I will magnify thee, O God
3. Ev'ry day will I give thanks unto thee
4. One generation shall praise thy works
5. The Lord is righteous in all his ways
6. The Lord preserveth all them that love him
7. Happy are the people that are in such a case
8. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord
Chandos Anthem No. 5b, I will magnify thee, O God 2. I will magnify thee, O God
3. Ev'ry day will I give thanks unto thee
4. One generation shall praise thy works
5. The Lord is righteous in all his ways
6. The Lord preserveth all them that love him
7. Happy are the people that are in such a case
8. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord

1. I will magnify thee, O God
2. O worship, worship the Lord
3. Glory and worship are before him
4. Tell it out among the heathen
5. Righteousness and equity are the habitation of thy seat
6. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord
Chandos Anthem No. 6a, As pants the hart for cooling streams 2. O worship, worship the Lord
3. Glory and worship are before him
4. Tell it out among the heathen
5. Righteousness and equity are the habitation of thy seat
6. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord

1. Sonata
2. As pants the hart for cooling streams
3. Tears are my daily food
4. Now, when I think thereupon
5. In the voice of praise and thanksgiving
6. Why so full of grief, O my soul?
7. Put thy trust in God
Chandos Anthem No. 6b, As pants the hart for cooling streams 2. As pants the hart for cooling streams
3. Tears are my daily food
4. Now, when I think thereupon
5. In the voice of praise and thanksgiving
6. Why so full of grief, O my soul?
7. Put thy trust in God

1. Sonata
2. As pants the hart for cooling streams
3. Tears are my daily food
4. Now, when I think thereupon
5. For I went with the multitude
6. In the voice of praise and thanksgiving
7. Why so full of grief, O my soul?
8. Put thy trust in God
Chandos Anthem No. 6c, As pants the hart for cooling streams 2. As pants the hart for cooling streams
3. Tears are my daily food
4. Now, when I think thereupon
5. For I went with the multitude
6. In the voice of praise and thanksgiving
7. Why so full of grief, O my soul?
8. Put thy trust in God

1. As pants the hart for cooling streams
2. Tears are my daily food
3. Now, when I think thereupon
4. In the voice of praise and thanksgiving
5. Why so full of grief, O my soul?
6. Put thy trust in God
Chandos Anthem No. 6d, As pants the hart for cooling streams 2. Tears are my daily food
3. Now, when I think thereupon
4. In the voice of praise and thanksgiving
5. Why so full of grief, O my soul?
6. Put thy trust in God

1. As pants the hart for cooling streams
2. Tears are my daily food
3. Now, when I think thereupon
4. In the voice of praise and thanksgiving
5. Why so full of grief, O my soul?
6. Put thy trust in God
Chandos Anthem No. 7, My song shall be alway 2. Tears are my daily food
3. Now, when I think thereupon
4. In the voice of praise and thanksgiving
5. Why so full of grief, O my soul?
6. Put thy trust in God

1. Sonata
2. My song shall be always
3. For who is he among the clouds
4. God is very greatly to be feared
5. Thou rulest the raging of the sea
6. The heavens are thine
7. Righteousness and equity are the habitation of thy seat
8. Blessed is the people, O Lord
9. Thou art the glory of their strength, Allelujah
Chandos Anthem No. 8, O come let us sing unto the Lord 2. My song shall be always
3. For who is he among the clouds
4. God is very greatly to be feared
5. Thou rulest the raging of the sea
6. The heavens are thine
7. Righteousness and equity are the habitation of thy seat
8. Blessed is the people, O Lord
9. Thou art the glory of their strength, Allelujah

1. Sonata
2. O come let us sing unto the Lord
3. O come let us worship and fall down
4. Glory and worship are before him
5. O magnify the Lord
6. The Lord preserveth the souls of the saints
7. For look, as high as heaven is
8. There is sprung up a light for the righteous
Chandos Anthem No. 9, O praise the Lord with one consent 2. O come let us sing unto the Lord
3. O come let us worship and fall down
4. Glory and worship are before him
5. O magnify the Lord
6. The Lord preserveth the souls of the saints
7. For look, as high as heaven is
8. There is sprung up a light for the righteous

1. Oh praise the Lord with one consent
2. Praise him, all ye
3. For this our truest int'rst
4. That God is great
5. With cheerful notes let all the earth
6. God's tender mercy knows no bounds
7. Ye boundless realms of joy
8. Your voices raise
Coronation Anthem No. 1, Zadok the priest 2. Praise him, all ye
3. For this our truest int'rst
4. That God is great
5. With cheerful notes let all the earth
6. God's tender mercy knows no bounds
7. Ye boundless realms of joy
8. Your voices raise

1. Zadok the priest
2. And all the people rejoic'd
3. God save the King!
Coronation Anthem No. 2, The King shall rejoice 2. And all the people rejoic'd
3. God save the King!

1. The King shall rejoice
2. Exceeding glad shall he be
3. Glory and great worship
4. Thou hast prevented him
5. Allelujah
Coronation Anthem No. 3, My heart is inditing 2. Exceeding glad shall he be
3. Glory and great worship
4. Thou hast prevented him
5. Allelujah

1. My heart is inditing
2. Kings' daughters were among thy honourable women
3. Upon thy right hand
4. Kings shall be thy nursing fathers
Coronation Anthem No. 4, Let thy hand be strengthened 2. Kings' daughters were among thy honourable women
3. Upon thy right hand
4. Kings shall be thy nursing fathers

1. Let thy hand be strengthened
2. Let justice and judgment be the preparation of thy seat!
3. Allelujah!
Deborah, Part 1 2. Let justice and judgment be the preparation of thy seat!
3. Allelujah!

1. Overture
2. Immortal Lord of earth and skies
3. O Barak, favour'd of the skies
4. Where do thy ardours raise me
5. Forbear thy doubts, to arms away
6. Since heav'n has thus His will express'd
7. For ever to the voice of prayer
8. By that adorable decree
9. O hear thy lowly servants' pray'r
10. Ye sons of Israel, cease your tears
11. O blast with thy tremendous brow
12. To whomso'er his fate the tyrant owes
13. How lovely is the blooming fair
14. O Deborah! Where'er I turn my eyes
15. Choirs of angels all around thee
16. My transports are too great to tell
17. To joy he brightens my despair
18. Barak, my son, the joyful sound
19. Awake the ardour of thy breast
20. I go where heav'n and duty call
21. All danger disdaining, for battle I glow
22. Let thy deeds be glorious
23. My charge is to declare
24. Despair all around them
25. Allelujah
Deborah, Part 2 2. Immortal Lord of earth and skies
3. O Barak, favour'd of the skies
4. Where do thy ardours raise me
5. Forbear thy doubts, to arms away
6. Since heav'n has thus His will express'd
7. For ever to the voice of prayer
8. By that adorable decree
9. O hear thy lowly servants' pray'r
10. Ye sons of Israel, cease your tears
11. O blast with thy tremendous brow
12. To whomso'er his fate the tyrant owes
13. How lovely is the blooming fair
14. O Deborah! Where'er I turn my eyes
15. Choirs of angels all around thee
16. My transports are too great to tell
17. To joy he brightens my despair
18. Barak, my son, the joyful sound
19. Awake the ardour of thy breast
20. I go where heav'n and duty call
21. All danger disdaining, for battle I glow
22. Let thy deeds be glorious
23. My charge is to declare
24. Despair all around them
25. Allelujah

26. See the proud chief
27. That here rebellious arms I see
28. At my feet extended low
29. Go frown, barbarian, where thou art fear'd
30. In Jehovah's awful sight
31. Yes, how your God in wonders can excel
32. Whilst you boast the wond'rous story
33. Impious mortal, cease to brave us
34. Behold the nations all around
35. O Baal! Monarch of the skies
36. No more, ye infidels! No more
37. Lord of eternity, who hast in store
38. Plead thy just cause
39 By his great name
40. All your boast will end in woe
41. Great prohetess, my soul's on fire
42. In the battle fame pursuing
43. The ardours warm the winter of my age
44. Swift inundation of desolation
45. Oh Judah, with what joy I see
46. No more disconsolate I'll mourn
47. Now, Jael, to thy tent retire
48. O the pleasure my soul is possessing
49. Barak, we now to battle go
50. Smiling freedom, lovely guest
51. The great King of Kings
Deborah, Part 3 27. That here rebellious arms I see
28. At my feet extended low
29. Go frown, barbarian, where thou art fear'd
30. In Jehovah's awful sight
31. Yes, how your God in wonders can excel
32. Whilst you boast the wond'rous story
33. Impious mortal, cease to brave us
34. Behold the nations all around
35. O Baal! Monarch of the skies
36. No more, ye infidels! No more
37. Lord of eternity, who hast in store
38. Plead thy just cause
39 By his great name
40. All your boast will end in woe
41. Great prohetess, my soul's on fire
42. In the battle fame pursuing
43. The ardours warm the winter of my age
44. Swift inundation of desolation
45. Oh Judah, with what joy I see
46. No more disconsolate I'll mourn
47. Now, Jael, to thy tent retire
48. O the pleasure my soul is possessing
49. Barak, we now to battle go
50. Smiling freedom, lovely guest
51. The great King of Kings

52. Now the proud insulting foe
53. The haughty foe whose pride to heav'n did soar
54. How sweetly smiling peace descends
55. My pray'rs are heard
56. Tears such as tender fathers shed
57. O Deborah! My fears are o'er
58. Doleful tidings
59. Our fears are now forever fled
60. I saw the tyrant breathless in her tent
61. Tyrant, now no more we dread thee
62. If, Jael, I aright divine
63. The glorious sun shall cease to shed
64. May heav'n with kind profusion shed
65. Low at her feet
66. O great Jehovah! May Thy foes
67. Let our glad songs; allelujah
Dettingen Anthem, The King shall rejoice in thy strength, O Lord! 53. The haughty foe whose pride to heav'n did soar
54. How sweetly smiling peace descends
55. My pray'rs are heard
56. Tears such as tender fathers shed
57. O Deborah! My fears are o'er
58. Doleful tidings
59. Our fears are now forever fled
60. I saw the tyrant breathless in her tent
61. Tyrant, now no more we dread thee
62. If, Jael, I aright divine
63. The glorious sun shall cease to shed
64. May heav'n with kind profusion shed
65. Low at her feet
66. O great Jehovah! May Thy foes
67. Let our glad songs; allelujah

1. The King shall rejoice in thy strength, O Lord!
2. His honour is great in thy salvation
3. Thou shalt give him everlasting felicity
4. We will rejoice in thy salvation
Dettingen Te Deum 2. His honour is great in thy salvation
3. Thou shalt give him everlasting felicity
4. We will rejoice in thy salvation

1. We praise thee, O God
2. All the earth doth worship thee
3. To thee all Angels cry aloud
4. To thee, Cherubin and Seraphim
5. The glorious company of the Apostles praise
6. Thine honourable, true, and only Son
7. Thou art the King of glory
8. When Thou tookest upon thee
9. When Thou hadst overcome
10. Thou didst open
11. Thou sittest at the right hand of God
12. Trumpets soli
13. We therefore pray thee
14. Make them to be number'd with thy saints
15. Day by day we magnify thee
16. And we worship thy name
17. Vouchsafe, O Lord
18. O Lord, in thee have I trusted
Esther, Part 1 2. All the earth doth worship thee
3. To thee all Angels cry aloud
4. To thee, Cherubin and Seraphim
5. The glorious company of the Apostles praise
6. Thine honourable, true, and only Son
7. Thou art the King of glory
8. When Thou tookest upon thee
9. When Thou hadst overcome
10. Thou didst open
11. Thou sittest at the right hand of God
12. Trumpets soli
13. We therefore pray thee
14. Make them to be number'd with thy saints
15. Day by day we magnify thee
16. And we worship thy name
17. Vouchsafe, O Lord
18. O Lord, in thee have I trusted

1. Overture
2. Tis nobler far to spare
3. Pluck root and branch
4. Our souls with ardour glow
5. Shall we the God of Israel fear
6. Now persecution
7. Tune your harps
8. Shall we of servitude complain
9. Praise the Lord
10. O God, who from the sucklings' mouth
11. Sing songs of praise
12. How have our sins
13. Methinks I hear
14. Ye sons of Israel, mourn
15. O Jordan, sacred tide; Ye sons of Israel, mourn
Esther, Part 2 1. Overture
2. Tis nobler far to spare
3. Pluck root and branch
4. Our souls with ardour glow
5. Shall we the God of Israel fear
6. Now persecution
7. Tune your harps
8. Shall we of servitude complain
9. Praise the Lord
10. O God, who from the sucklings' mouth
11. Sing songs of praise
12. How have our sins
13. Methinks I hear
14. Ye sons of Israel, mourn
15. O Jordan, sacred tide; Ye sons of Israel, mourn

16. Why sits that sorrow?
17. Dread not, righteous Queen
18. I go before the king
19. Tears, assist me
20. Save us, O Lord
21. Who dares intrude
22. Who calls my parting soul
23. O beauteous Queen
24. If I find favour
25. How can I stay
26. With inward joy
27. Virtue, truth, and innocence
Esther, Part 3 17. Dread not, righteous Queen
18. I go before the king
19. Tears, assist me
20. Save us, O Lord
21. Who dares intrude
22. Who calls my parting soul
23. O beauteous Queen
24. If I find favour
25. How can I stay
26. With inward joy
27. Virtue, truth, and innocence

28. Jehovah crowned
29. He comes
30. Now, O Queen
31. Turn not, O Queen
32. Flattering tongue, no more I hear thee
33. Guards, seize the traitor
34. How art thou fall'n
35. The Lord our enemy has slain
Foundling Hospital Anthem, Blessed are they that consider the poor 29. He comes
30. Now, O Queen
31. Turn not, O Queen
32. Flattering tongue, no more I hear thee
33. Guards, seize the traitor
34. How art thou fall'n
35. The Lord our enemy has slain

1. Blessed are they that consider the poor
2. Blessed are they that consider the poor
3. O God who from the suckling's mouth
4. The Charitable shall be had in everlasting remembrance
5. Comfort them, O Lord
6. The people will tell of their wisdom
7. Hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth
Hercules, The Choice of, Part 1 2. Blessed are they that consider the poor
3. O God who from the suckling's mouth
4. The Charitable shall be had in everlasting remembrance
5. Comfort them, O Lord
6. The people will tell of their wisdom
7. Hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth

1. Symphony
2. See Hercules
3. Come, blooming boy
4. There the brisk sparkling nectar
5. While for thy arms that beauty glows
6. Away mistaken wretch; This manly youth's exalted mind
7. Go, assert thy heav'nly race
8. In peace and war; So shalt thou gain immortal praise
9. Turn thee, youth, to joy and love
Hercules, The Choice of, Part 2 1. Symphony
2. See Hercules
3. Come, blooming boy
4. There the brisk sparkling nectar
5. While for thy arms that beauty glows
6. Away mistaken wretch; This manly youth's exalted mind
7. Go, assert thy heav'nly race
8. In peace and war; So shalt thou gain immortal praise
9. Turn thee, youth, to joy and love

10. Short is my way; Yet, can I hear that dulcet lay
11. Enjoy the sweet Elysian grove
12. Oh, whither reason; Where shall I go
13. Mount, mount, the steep ascent
14. Mount, mount, the steep ascent
15. Arise, arise!
16. The sounds breathe fire celestial; Lead, Goddess, lead the way
17. Virtue will place thee in the blest abode
Israel In Egypt, Part 1 11. Enjoy the sweet Elysian grove
12. Oh, whither reason; Where shall I go
13. Mount, mount, the steep ascent
14. Mount, mount, the steep ascent
15. Arise, arise!
16. The sounds breathe fire celestial; Lead, Goddess, lead the way
17. Virtue will place thee in the blest abode

1. Now there arose a new king
2. And the children of Israel sigh'd
3. Then sent He Moses
4. They loathed to drink
5. Their land brought forth frogs
6. He spake the word
7. He gave them hailstones
8. He sent a thick darkness
9. He smote all the first-born
10. But as for his people
11. Egypt was glad
12. He rebuked the Red Sea
13. He led them through the deep
14. But the waters overwhelmed their enemies
15. And Israel saw
16. And believed the Lord
Israel In Egypt, Part 2-1 1. Now there arose a new king
2. And the children of Israel sigh'd
3. Then sent He Moses
4. They loathed to drink
5. Their land brought forth frogs
6. He spake the word
7. He gave them hailstones
8. He sent a thick darkness
9. He smote all the first-born
10. But as for his people
11. Egypt was glad
12. He rebuked the Red Sea
13. He led them through the deep
14. But the waters overwhelmed their enemies
15. And Israel saw
16. And believed the Lord

17. Moses, and the children of Israel
18. I will sing unto the Lord
19. The Lord is my strength
20. He is my God
21. And I will exalt him
22. The Lord is a man of war
23. The depths have cover'd them
24. Thy right hand, O Lord
25. And in the greatness
26. Thou sentest forth Thy wrath
27. And with the blast
Israel In Egypt, Part 2-2 18. I will sing unto the Lord
19. The Lord is my strength
20. He is my God
21. And I will exalt him
22. The Lord is a man of war
23. The depths have cover'd them
24. Thy right hand, O Lord
25. And in the greatness
26. Thou sentest forth Thy wrath
27. And with the blast

28. The enemy said
29. Thou didst blow
30. Who is like unto Thee?
31. The earth swallowed them
32. Thou, in Thy mercy
33. The people shall hear
34. Thou shalt bring them in
35. The Lord shall reign
36. For the horse of Pharaoh
37. The Lord shall reign
38. And Miriam, the Prophetess
39. Sing ye to the Lord
Jephtha, Part 1 29. Thou didst blow
30. Who is like unto Thee?
31. The earth swallowed them
32. Thou, in Thy mercy
33. The people shall hear
34. Thou shalt bring them in
35. The Lord shall reign
36. For the horse of Pharaoh
37. The Lord shall reign
38. And Miriam, the Prophetess
39. Sing ye to the Lord

1. Overture
2. It must be so
3. Pour forth no more unheeded pray'rs
4. No more to Ammon's god and king
5. But Jephtha comes
6. Virtue my soul shall still embrace
7. 'Twill be a painful separation
8. In gentle murmurs will I mourn
9. Happy this embassy
10. Dull delay, in piercing anguish
11. Ill suits the voice of love
12. Take the heart you fondly gave
13. I go, my soul inspir'd
14. These labours past
15. What mean these doubtful fancies
16. If, Lord, sustain'd by Thy almighty pow'r
17. Tis said
18. O God, behold our sore distress
19. Some dire event
20. Scenes of horror, scenes of woe
21. Say, my dear mother
22. The smiling dawn of happy days
23. Such, Jeptha
24. When loud his voice in thunder spoke
Jephtha, Part 2 2. It must be so
3. Pour forth no more unheeded pray'rs
4. No more to Ammon's god and king
5. But Jephtha comes
6. Virtue my soul shall still embrace
7. 'Twill be a painful separation
8. In gentle murmurs will I mourn
9. Happy this embassy
10. Dull delay, in piercing anguish
11. Ill suits the voice of love
12. Take the heart you fondly gave
13. I go, my soul inspir'd
14. These labours past
15. What mean these doubtful fancies
16. If, Lord, sustain'd by Thy almighty pow'r
17. Tis said
18. O God, behold our sore distress
19. Some dire event
20. Scenes of horror, scenes of woe
21. Say, my dear mother
22. The smiling dawn of happy days
23. Such, Jeptha
24. When loud his voice in thunder spoke

25. Glad tidings of great joy
26. Cherub and seraphim
27. Up the dreadful steep ascending
28. Tis well
29. Tune the soft melodious lute
30. Again heav'n smiles
31. Freedom now once more possessing
32. Zebul, thy deeds were valiant
33. His mighty arm
34. In glory high
35. Symphony
36. Hail, glorious conqueror!
37. Welcome as the cheerful light
38. Welcome thou, whose deeds conspire
39 Horror! Confusion!
40. Open thy marble jaws
41. Why is my brother thus afflicted?
42. First perish thou
43. If such thy cruel purpose
44. On me let blind mistaken zeal
45. O spare your daughter
46. Such news flies swiftly
47. For joys so vast
48. Happy they
49. Deeper and deeper still
50. How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees
Jephtha, Part 3 26. Cherub and seraphim
27. Up the dreadful steep ascending
28. Tis well
29. Tune the soft melodious lute
30. Again heav'n smiles
31. Freedom now once more possessing
32. Zebul, thy deeds were valiant
33. His mighty arm
34. In glory high
35. Symphony
36. Hail, glorious conqueror!
37. Welcome as the cheerful light
38. Welcome thou, whose deeds conspire
39 Horror! Confusion!
40. Open thy marble jaws
41. Why is my brother thus afflicted?
42. First perish thou
43. If such thy cruel purpose
44. On me let blind mistaken zeal
45. O spare your daughter
46. Such news flies swiftly
47. For joys so vast
48. Happy they
49. Deeper and deeper still
50. How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees

51. Hide thou thy hated beams
52. A father, off'ring up his only child
53. Waft her, angels
54. Ye sacred priests
55. Farewell, ye limpid springs
56. Doubtful fear
57. Sinfonia
58. Rise, Jeptha
59. Happy, Iphis, shalt thou live
60. Forever blessed be Thy holy name
61. Theme sublime of endless praise
62. Let me congratulate
63. Laud her, all ye virgin train
64. O let me fold thee
65. Sweeet as sight to the blind
66. With transport, Iphis
67. Tis heav'n's all-ruling power
68. My faithful Hamor
69. Freely I to heav'n resign
70. All that is in Hamor mine
71. Ye house of Gilead
Joshua, Part 1 52. A father, off'ring up his only child
53. Waft her, angels
54. Ye sacred priests
55. Farewell, ye limpid springs
56. Doubtful fear
57. Sinfonia
58. Rise, Jeptha
59. Happy, Iphis, shalt thou live
60. Forever blessed be Thy holy name
61. Theme sublime of endless praise
62. Let me congratulate
63. Laud her, all ye virgin train
64. O let me fold thee
65. Sweeet as sight to the blind
66. With transport, Iphis
67. Tis heav'n's all-ruling power
68. My faithful Hamor
69. Freely I to heav'n resign
70. All that is in Hamor mine
71. Ye house of Gilead

1. Introduction
2. Ye sons of Israel
3. Behold, my friends
5. Matrons and virgins
6. Oh! Who can tell?
7. Caleb, attend to all I now prescribe
8. To long posterity
9. So long the memory
11. But who is he?
12. Awful pleasing being, say
13. Joshua, I come commision'd
14. Leader of Israel
15. To give command
16. Haste, Israel, haste
17. The Lord commands
18. In these blest scenes
19. Tis Achsah's voice
20. Hail, lovely virgin
21. Hark, hark! 'tis the linnet
22. O Achsah, form'd for ev'ry chaste delight
23. Our limpid streams
24. The trumpet calls
25. May all the host of heav'n
Joshua, Part 2 1. Introduction
2. Ye sons of Israel
3. Behold, my friends
5. Matrons and virgins
6. Oh! Who can tell?
7. Caleb, attend to all I now prescribe
8. To long posterity
9. So long the memory
11. But who is he?
12. Awful pleasing being, say
13. Joshua, I come commision'd
14. Leader of Israel
15. To give command
16. Haste, Israel, haste
17. The Lord commands
18. In these blest scenes
19. Tis Achsah's voice
20. Hail, lovely virgin
21. Hark, hark! 'tis the linnet
22. O Achsah, form'd for ev'ry chaste delight
23. Our limpid streams
24. The trumpet calls
25. May all the host of heav'n

26. Tis well
27. March
28. Glory to God
29. The walls are levell'd
30. See, the raging flames arise
32. Let all the seed of Abrah'm
33. Almighty ruler of the skies
34. Joshua, the men
35. How soon our tow'ring hopes are cross'd
36. Whence this dejection
37. With redoubled rage return
38. We with redoubled rage
39 Now give the army breath
40. Heroes, when with glory burning
45. Brethren and friends
46. Sinfonia
47. Thus far our cause
48. Trumpet flourish
49. O thou bright orb
Joshua, Part 3 27. March
28. Glory to God
29. The walls are levell'd
30. See, the raging flames arise
32. Let all the seed of Abrah'm
33. Almighty ruler of the skies
34. Joshua, the men
35. How soon our tow'ring hopes are cross'd
36. Whence this dejection
37. With redoubled rage return
38. We with redoubled rage
39 Now give the army breath
40. Heroes, when with glory burning
45. Brethren and friends
46. Sinfonia
47. Thus far our cause
48. Trumpet flourish
49. O thou bright orb

50. Hail! Mighty Joshua
51. Happy, oh, thrice happy
52. Caleb, for holy Eleazer send
53. Shall I in Mamre's fertile plain
54. For all these mercies we will sing
55. O Caleb, fear'd by foes
57. Father of mercy
58. In bloom of youth
59. See the conqu'ring hero comes
60. Welcome, my son
61. Oh! Had I Jubal's lyre
64. While lawless tyrants
65. The great Jehovah
Judas Maccabaeus, Part 1 51. Happy, oh, thrice happy
52. Caleb, for holy Eleazer send
53. Shall I in Mamre's fertile plain
54. For all these mercies we will sing
55. O Caleb, fear'd by foes
57. Father of mercy
58. In bloom of youth
59. See the conqu'ring hero comes
60. Welcome, my son
61. Oh! Had I Jubal's lyre
64. While lawless tyrants
65. The great Jehovah

1. Overture
2. Mourn, ye afflicted children
3. From this dread scene
4. For Sion lamentation make
5. Not vain is all this storm of grief
6. Pious orgies, pious airs
7. O Father, whose almighty pow'r
8. I feel the Deity within
9. Arm, arm, ye brave!
10. Tis well, my friends!
11. Call forth thy pow'rs, my soul; Lead on, lead on
12. To Heav'n's almighty King we kneel
13. O liberty, thou choicest treasure; Come ever-smiling liberty
14. My zealous father, now at rest
15. Disdainful of danger
16. Haste ye, my brethren
17. Hear us, O Lord
Judas Maccabaeus, Part 2 2. Mourn, ye afflicted children
3. From this dread scene
4. For Sion lamentation make
5. Not vain is all this storm of grief
6. Pious orgies, pious airs
7. O Father, whose almighty pow'r
8. I feel the Deity within
9. Arm, arm, ye brave!
10. Tis well, my friends!
11. Call forth thy pow'rs, my soul; Lead on, lead on
12. To Heav'n's almighty King we kneel
13. O liberty, thou choicest treasure; Come ever-smiling liberty
14. My zealous father, now at rest
15. Disdainful of danger
16. Haste ye, my brethren
17. Hear us, O Lord

18. Fall'n is the foe
19. Sion, now her head shall raise
20. Oh, let eternal honours
21. From mighty kings he took the spoil
22. Hail, Judea, happy land
23. Thanks to my brethren!
24. How vain is man
25. Oh Judas, oh my brethren
26. Ah! wretched, wretched Israel!
27. My arms!
28. Sound an alarm!
29. Enough! To Heav'n we leave the rest
30. We never will bow down
Judas Maccabaeus, Part 3 19. Sion, now her head shall raise
20. Oh, let eternal honours
21. From mighty kings he took the spoil
22. Hail, Judea, happy land
23. Thanks to my brethren!
24. How vain is man
25. Oh Judas, oh my brethren
26. Ah! wretched, wretched Israel!
27. My arms!
28. Sound an alarm!
29. Enough! To Heav'n we leave the rest
30. We never will bow down

31. Father of Heav'n
32. Oh grant it, Heav'n
33. So shall the lute and harp awake
34. From Capharsalama on eagle wings I fly
35. See, the conqu'ring hero comes!
36. March
37. Sing unto the Lord
38. Sweet flow the strains
39 No unhallowed desire
40. O lovely peace
41. Rejoice, oh Judah!
Messiah, Part 1 32. Oh grant it, Heav'n
33. So shall the lute and harp awake
34. From Capharsalama on eagle wings I fly
35. See, the conqu'ring hero comes!
36. March
37. Sing unto the Lord
38. Sweet flow the strains
39 No unhallowed desire
40. O lovely peace
41. Rejoice, oh Judah!

1. Overture
2. Comfort ye my people
3. Every valley shall be exalted
4. And the glory of the Lord
5. Thus saith the Lord
6. But who may abide the day of his coming?
7. And he shall purify
8. Behold! a virgin shall conceive
9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
10. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth
11. The people that walked in darkness
12. For unto us a child is born
13. Pastoral Symphony
14. There were shepherds abiding in the field; and lo! The angel of the Lord came upon them
15. And the angel said unto them
16. And suddenly there was with the angel
17. Glory to God
18. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
19. Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened
20. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd
21. His yoke is easy, and His burthen is light
Messiah, Part 2 1. Overture
2. Comfort ye my people
3. Every valley shall be exalted
4. And the glory of the Lord
5. Thus saith the Lord
6. But who may abide the day of his coming?
7. And he shall purify
8. Behold! a virgin shall conceive
9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
10. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth
11. The people that walked in darkness
12. For unto us a child is born
13. Pastoral Symphony
14. There were shepherds abiding in the field; and lo! The angel of the Lord came upon them
15. And the angel said unto them
16. And suddenly there was with the angel
17. Glory to God
18. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
19. Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened
20. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd
21. His yoke is easy, and His burthen is light

22. Behold the Lamb of God
23. He was despised
24. Surely He hath borne our griefs
25. And with his stripes we are healed
26. And we like sheep have gone astray
27. All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn
28. He trusted in God that he would deliver him
29. Thy rebuke hath broken His heart
30. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow
31. He was cut off out of the land of the living
32. But thou didst not leave His soul in hell
33. Lift up your heads, O ye gates
34. Unto which of the angels said He
35. Let all the angels of God worship Him
36. Thou art gone up on high
37. The Lord gave the word
38. How beautiful are the feet of them
39 Their sound is gone out into all the lands
40. Why do the nations so furiously rage together?
41. Let us break their bonds asunder
42. He that dwelleth in heaven
43. Thou shalt break them
44. Hallelujah!
Messiah, Part 3 23. He was despised
24. Surely He hath borne our griefs
25. And with his stripes we are healed
26. And we like sheep have gone astray
27. All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn
28. He trusted in God that he would deliver him
29. Thy rebuke hath broken His heart
30. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow
31. He was cut off out of the land of the living
32. But thou didst not leave His soul in hell
33. Lift up your heads, O ye gates
34. Unto which of the angels said He
35. Let all the angels of God worship Him
36. Thou art gone up on high
37. The Lord gave the word
38. How beautiful are the feet of them
39 Their sound is gone out into all the lands
40. Why do the nations so furiously rage together?
41. Let us break their bonds asunder
42. He that dwelleth in heaven
43. Thou shalt break them
44. Hallelujah!

45. I know that my Redeemer liveth
46. Since by man came death
47. Behold, I tell you a mystery
48. The trumpet shall sound
49. Then shall be brought to pass
50. O death, where is thy sting?
51. But thanks be to God
52. If God be for us, who can be against us?
53. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
Ode on St. Cecelia’s Day 46. Since by man came death
47. Behold, I tell you a mystery
48. The trumpet shall sound
49. Then shall be brought to pass
50. O death, where is thy sting?
51. But thanks be to God
52. If God be for us, who can be against us?
53. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain

1. Overture
2. From harmony
3. When nature
4. From harmony
5. What passion cannot music raise and quell?
6. The trumpet's loud clangour
7. March
8. The soft complaining flute
9. Sharp violins proclaim
10. But oh! What art can teach
11. Orpheus could lead the savage race
12. But bright Cecilia
13. As from the power of sacred lays
Samson, Part 1 1. Overture
2. From harmony
3. When nature
4. From harmony
5. What passion cannot music raise and quell?
6. The trumpet's loud clangour
7. March
8. The soft complaining flute
9. Sharp violins proclaim
10. But oh! What art can teach
11. Orpheus could lead the savage race
12. But bright Cecilia
13. As from the power of sacred lays

1. Overture
2. This day, a solemn feast
3. Awake the trumpet's lofty sound
4. Ye men of Gaza
5. Awake the trumpet's lofty sound
9. Why be an angel
13. Matchless in might
14. Total eclipse
16. O first-created beam
17. Brethren and men of Dan
20. The good we wish for
21. Thy glorious deeds
22. Justly these evils
23. My grief for this
24. Why does the God of Israel sleep
26. Then shall they know
27. For thee, my dearest son
28. My genial spirits droop
31. Then round about the starry throne
Samson, Part 2 1. Overture
2. This day, a solemn feast
3. Awake the trumpet's lofty sound
4. Ye men of Gaza
5. Awake the trumpet's lofty sound
9. Why be an angel
13. Matchless in might
14. Total eclipse
16. O first-created beam
17. Brethren and men of Dan
20. The good we wish for
21. Thy glorious deeds
22. Justly these evils
23. My grief for this
24. Why does the God of Israel sleep
26. Then shall they know
27. For thee, my dearest son
28. My genial spirits droop
31. Then round about the starry throne

34. My evils hopeless are
35. Return, return, O God of Hosts
36. To dust his glory they would tread
37. But who is this?
38. With plaintive notes
43. My faith and truth
44. Her faith and truth
50. Ne'er think of that
51. Traitor to love
54. Favor'd of heaven
55. To man God's universal law
56. No words of peace
57. Honor and arms
60. Cam'st thou for this
61. Go, baffled coward, go
62. Here lies the proof
63. Hear, Jacob's God
64. Dragon, arise!
66. To song and dance
67. Fix'd in His everlasting seat
Samson, Part 3 35. Return, return, O God of Hosts
36. To dust his glory they would tread
37. But who is this?
38. With plaintive notes
43. My faith and truth
44. Her faith and truth
50. Ne'er think of that
51. Traitor to love
54. Favor'd of heaven
55. To man God's universal law
56. No words of peace
57. Honor and arms
60. Cam'st thou for this
61. Go, baffled coward, go
62. Here lies the proof
63. Hear, Jacob's God
64. Dragon, arise!
66. To song and dance
67. Fix'd in His everlasting seat

68. More trouble is behind
69. Presuming slave
70. Consider, Samson
71. With thunder arm'd
72. Be of good courage
73. Thus when the sun
74. With might endued
75. The Holy One of Israel
76. To fame immortal go
77. Old Manoah, with youthful steps
78. Great Dagon has subdued our foe
79. Great Dagon has subdued our foe
80. What noise of joy was that?
81. How willing my paternal love
82. Your hopes of his delivery
83. Sinfonia
84. Heaven! What noise?
85. Hear us, our God
86. Where shall I run
87. Ye sons of Israel
88. Weep Israel, weep
90. Dead-march
91. Dead-march No. 2 (from Saul)
93. Glorious hero
94. Come, come: no time for lamentation now
95. Let the bright Seraphim
96. Let their celestial concerts all unite
Saul, Part 1 69. Presuming slave
70. Consider, Samson
71. With thunder arm'd
72. Be of good courage
73. Thus when the sun
74. With might endued
75. The Holy One of Israel
76. To fame immortal go
77. Old Manoah, with youthful steps
78. Great Dagon has subdued our foe
79. Great Dagon has subdued our foe
80. What noise of joy was that?
81. How willing my paternal love
82. Your hopes of his delivery
83. Sinfonia
84. Heaven! What noise?
85. Hear us, our God
86. Where shall I run
87. Ye sons of Israel
88. Weep Israel, weep
90. Dead-march
91. Dead-march No. 2 (from Saul)
93. Glorious hero
94. Come, come: no time for lamentation now
95. Let the bright Seraphim
96. Let their celestial concerts all unite

1. Overture
2. How excellent Thy name
3. An infant rais'd
4. Along the monster atheist strode
5. The youth inspir'd
6. Our fainting courage soon restored
7. How excellent Thy name; Hallelujah
10. Behold, O king
11. O king, your favours
12. Oh, early piety
18. Thou, Merab, first in birth
19. My soul rejects the thought with scorn
20. See, with what a scornful air
21. Sinfonia
22. Already see the daughters of the land
23. Welcome, welcome, mighty king!
24. What do I hear
25. David his ten thousand slew
26. To him ten thousands
27. With rage I shall burst
28. Imprudent women
29. Fell rage and black despair
30. Rack'd with infernal pains
31. O Lord, whose mercies
33. Tis all in vain
34. A serpent, in my bosom warm'd
35. Has he escap'd my rage?
37. O filial piety
38. No, no, cruel father, no!
40. Preserve him for the glory of thy name
Saul, Part 2 2. How excellent Thy name
3. An infant rais'd
4. Along the monster atheist strode
5. The youth inspir'd
6. Our fainting courage soon restored
7. How excellent Thy name; Hallelujah
10. Behold, O king
11. O king, your favours
12. Oh, early piety
18. Thou, Merab, first in birth
19. My soul rejects the thought with scorn
20. See, with what a scornful air
21. Sinfonia
22. Already see the daughters of the land
23. Welcome, welcome, mighty king!
24. What do I hear
25. David his ten thousand slew
26. To him ten thousands
27. With rage I shall burst
28. Imprudent women
29. Fell rage and black despair
30. Rack'd with infernal pains
31. O Lord, whose mercies
33. Tis all in vain
34. A serpent, in my bosom warm'd
35. Has he escap'd my rage?
37. O filial piety
38. No, no, cruel father, no!
40. Preserve him for the glory of thy name

41. Envy, eldest born of hell
46. Hast thou obeyed my orders
47. Sin not, O king
48. As great Jehovah lives
49. Wisest and greatest of his kind
50. Appear, my friend
53. A father's will has authorized my love
54. O fairest of ten thousand fair
55. Is there a man
57. Thy father is as cruel and as false
58. At persecution I can laugh
59. Whom dost thou seek?
60. No, no, let the guilty tremble
63. Sinfonia
64. The time at length is come
65. Where is the son of Jesse
66. O fatal consequence of rage
Saul, Part 3 46. Hast thou obeyed my orders
47. Sin not, O king
48. As great Jehovah lives
49. Wisest and greatest of his kind
50. Appear, my friend
53. A father's will has authorized my love
54. O fairest of ten thousand fair
55. Is there a man
57. Thy father is as cruel and as false
58. At persecution I can laugh
59. Whom dost thou seek?
60. No, no, let the guilty tremble
63. Sinfonia
64. The time at length is come
65. Where is the son of Jesse
66. O fatal consequence of rage

67. Wretch that I am
68. Tis said, here lives a woman
69. With me what wouldst thou
70. Infernal spirits
71. Why hast thou forced me?
72. Sinfonia
73. Whence com'st thou?
74. Impious wretch
75. Dead March
76. Mourn, Israel
77. Oh, let it not in Gath be heard
79. Brave Jonathan his bow ne'er drew
80. Eagles were not so swift as they
81. In sweetest harmony they lived
82. O fatal day!
83. Ye men of Judah, weep no more
84. Gird on thy sword
Semele, Act I 68. Tis said, here lives a woman
69. With me what wouldst thou
70. Infernal spirits
71. Why hast thou forced me?
72. Sinfonia
73. Whence com'st thou?
74. Impious wretch
75. Dead March
76. Mourn, Israel
77. Oh, let it not in Gath be heard
79. Brave Jonathan his bow ne'er drew
80. Eagles were not so swift as they
81. In sweetest harmony they lived
82. O fatal day!
83. Ye men of Judah, weep no more
84. Gird on thy sword

1. Overture
2. Behold! Auspicious flames arise
3. Lucky omens
4. Ah me; Oh Jove!
5. Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs
6. Again auspicious flames arise
7. Cease, cease your vows
8. Wing'd with our fears
9. Hail, Cadmus, hail
10. Endless pleasure, endless love
Semele, Act II 1. Overture
2. Behold! Auspicious flames arise
3. Lucky omens
4. Ah me; Oh Jove!
5. Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs
6. Again auspicious flames arise
7. Cease, cease your vows
8. Wing'd with our fears
9. Hail, Cadmus, hail
10. Endless pleasure, endless love

11. Sinfonia
12. Awake, Saturnia
13. Hence, Iris, hence away
14. O sleep, why dost thou leave me?
15. You are mortal
16. Now love, that everlasting boy
17. By my command
18. Where'er you walk
19. Dear sister, how was your passage hither?
20. But hark! The heavenly spirit turns round
21. Bless the glad earth with heavenly lays
Semele, Act III 12. Awake, Saturnia
13. Hence, Iris, hence away
14. O sleep, why dost thou leave me?
15. You are mortal
16. Now love, that everlasting boy
17. By my command
18. Where'er you walk
19. Dear sister, how was your passage hither?
20. But hark! The heavenly spirit turns round
21. Bless the glad earth with heavenly lays

22. Introduction
23. Somnus, awake!
24. Leave me, loathsome light
25. Dull god, canst thou attend
26. More sweet is that name
27. My will obey
28. Thus shap'd like Ino
29. Be wise, as you are beautiful
30. Thus let me thanks be paid
31. Rich odours fill the fragrant air
32. Lay your doubts and fears aside
33. Oh, Semele
34. How engaging, how endearing
35. I ever am granting
36. Speak your desire
37. You'll grant what I require?
38. Ah! Take heed what you press
39 No, no, I'll take no less
40. Ah! Whither is she gone
41. Ah me! Too late I now repent
42. Oh, terror and astonishment
43. Apollo comes!
44. Happy, happy shall we be!
Solomon, Part 1 23. Somnus, awake!
24. Leave me, loathsome light
25. Dull god, canst thou attend
26. More sweet is that name
27. My will obey
28. Thus shap'd like Ino
29. Be wise, as you are beautiful
30. Thus let me thanks be paid
31. Rich odours fill the fragrant air
32. Lay your doubts and fears aside
33. Oh, Semele
34. How engaging, how endearing
35. I ever am granting
36. Speak your desire
37. You'll grant what I require?
38. Ah! Take heed what you press
39 No, no, I'll take no less
40. Ah! Whither is she gone
41. Ah me! Too late I now repent
42. Oh, terror and astonishment
43. Apollo comes!
44. Happy, happy shall we be!

1. Overture
2. Your harps and cymbals sound
3. Praise ye the Lord for all his mercies past
4. With pious heart, and holy tongue
5. Almighty pow'r, who rul'st the earth and skies
6. Imperial Solomon, thy pray'rs are heard
7. Sacred raptures cheer my breast
8. Throughout the land Jehovah's praise record
9. Bless'd be the Lord, who look'd with gracious eyes
10. What though I trace each herb and flow'r
11. And see my queen, my wedded love
20. With thee th'unshelter'd moor I'd tread
21. Search round the world
22. May no rash intruder disturb their soft hours
Solomon, Part 2 2. Your harps and cymbals sound
3. Praise ye the Lord for all his mercies past
4. With pious heart, and holy tongue
5. Almighty pow'r, who rul'st the earth and skies
6. Imperial Solomon, thy pray'rs are heard
7. Sacred raptures cheer my breast
8. Throughout the land Jehovah's praise record
9. Bless'd be the Lord, who look'd with gracious eyes
10. What though I trace each herb and flow'r
11. And see my queen, my wedded love
20. With thee th'unshelter'd moor I'd tread
21. Search round the world
22. May no rash intruder disturb their soft hours

23. From the censer curling rise
28. My sovereign liege, two women stand
29. Words are weak to paint my fears
30. What says the other to th'imputed charge
31. Thy sentence, great King
32. Withhold, withhold the executing hand!
33. Can I see my infant gored
34. Israel, attend
36. From the east unto the west
37. From morn to eve
38. See the tall palm
41. Swell, swell the full chorus
Solomon, Part 3 28. My sovereign liege, two women stand
29. Words are weak to paint my fears
30. What says the other to th'imputed charge
31. Thy sentence, great King
32. Withhold, withhold the executing hand!
33. Can I see my infant gored
34. Israel, attend
36. From the east unto the west
37. From morn to eve
38. See the tall palm
41. Swell, swell the full chorus

42. Sinfonia
43. From Arabia's spicy shores
44. Ev'ry sight these eyes behold
45. Sweep, sweep the string
46. Music, spread thy voice around
47. Now a diff'rent measure try; Shake the dome
48. Then at once from rage remove
49. Draw the tear from hopeless love
50. Next the tortur'd soul release
51. Thus rolling surges rise
54. Thrice happy king
55. Golden columns, fair and bright
56. Praise the Lord with harp and tongue!
61. Adieu, fair queen
62. Ev'ry joy that wisdom knows
63. The name of the wicked
Theodora, Act I 43. From Arabia's spicy shores
44. Ev'ry sight these eyes behold
45. Sweep, sweep the string
46. Music, spread thy voice around
47. Now a diff'rent measure try; Shake the dome
48. Then at once from rage remove
49. Draw the tear from hopeless love
50. Next the tortur'd soul release
51. Thus rolling surges rise
54. Thrice happy king
55. Golden columns, fair and bright
56. Praise the Lord with harp and tongue!
61. Adieu, fair queen
62. Ev'ry joy that wisdom knows
63. The name of the wicked

1. Overture
2. Tis Dioclesian's natal day
3. Go, my faithful soldier
4. And draw a blessing down
5. Vouchsafe, dread Sir
6. Racks, gibbets, sword and fire
7. Forever thus stands fix'd the doom
8. Most cruel edict!
9. The raptur'd soul
10. I know thy virtues
11. Descend, kind pity
12. Though hard, my friends
13. Fond, flatt'ring world, adieu!
14. Oh bright example of all goodness!
15. Bane of virtue, nurse of passions
16. Come, mighty Father
17. Fly, fly my brethren!
18. As with rosy steps
19. All pow'r in heaven above
20. Mistaken wretches!
21. Dread the fruits of Christian folly
22. Deluded mortal!
23. Oh worse than death indeed!
24. Angels ever bright and fair
25. Unhappy, happy crew!
26. Kind heaven
27. Oh love, how great thy pow'r!
28. Go, gen'rous pious youth
Theodora, Act II 1. Overture
2. Tis Dioclesian's natal day
3. Go, my faithful soldier
4. And draw a blessing down
5. Vouchsafe, dread Sir
6. Racks, gibbets, sword and fire
7. Forever thus stands fix'd the doom
8. Most cruel edict!
9. The raptur'd soul
10. I know thy virtues
11. Descend, kind pity
12. Though hard, my friends
13. Fond, flatt'ring world, adieu!
14. Oh bright example of all goodness!
15. Bane of virtue, nurse of passions
16. Come, mighty Father
17. Fly, fly my brethren!
18. As with rosy steps
19. All pow'r in heaven above
20. Mistaken wretches!
21. Dread the fruits of Christian folly
22. Deluded mortal!
23. Oh worse than death indeed!
24. Angels ever bright and fair
25. Unhappy, happy crew!
26. Kind heaven
27. Oh love, how great thy pow'r!
28. Go, gen'rous pious youth

29. Ye men of Antioch
30. Queen of summer, queen of love
31. Wide spread his name
32. Return, Septimus
33. Venus laughing from the skies
34. Symphony
35. Oh thou bright sun
36. With darkness deep, as is my woe
37. Symphony
38. But why art thou disquieted
39 Oh that I on wings could rise
40. Long have I known
41. Though the honours
42. Oh save her then
43. Deeds of kindness to display
44. The clouds begin to veil
45. Defend her Heaven
46. Or lull'd with grief
47. Sweet rose and lily
48. Oh save me, Heaven
49. The pilgrim's home
50. Forbid it, Heaven
51. Ah! What is liberty or life to me
52. To thee, to thee
53. Tis night
54. He saw the lovely youth
Theodora, Act III 30. Queen of summer, queen of love
31. Wide spread his name
32. Return, Septimus
33. Venus laughing from the skies
34. Symphony
35. Oh thou bright sun
36. With darkness deep, as is my woe
37. Symphony
38. But why art thou disquieted
39 Oh that I on wings could rise
40. Long have I known
41. Though the honours
42. Oh save her then
43. Deeds of kindness to display
44. The clouds begin to veil
45. Defend her Heaven
46. Or lull'd with grief
47. Sweet rose and lily
48. Oh save me, Heaven
49. The pilgrim's home
50. Forbid it, Heaven
51. Ah! What is liberty or life to me
52. To thee, to thee
53. Tis night
54. He saw the lovely youth

55. Lord, to Thee
56. But see, the good, the virtuous Didimus
57. When sunk in anguish and despair
58. Blest be the hand
59. Undaunted in the court
60. Ah, Theodora
61. Whither princess do you fly?
62. She's gone!
63. New scenes of joy crowding on
64. Is it a Christian virtue
65. From virtue springs each gen'rous deed
66. Cease, ye slaves
67. Tis kind, my friends
68. How strange their ends
69. On me your frowns
70. And must such beauty suffer?
71. Streams of pleasure ever flowing
72. Ere this their doom is past
73. Oh love divine
Utrecht Jubilate 56. But see, the good, the virtuous Didimus
57. When sunk in anguish and despair
58. Blest be the hand
59. Undaunted in the court
60. Ah, Theodora
61. Whither princess do you fly?
62. She's gone!
63. New scenes of joy crowding on
64. Is it a Christian virtue
65. From virtue springs each gen'rous deed
66. Cease, ye slaves
67. Tis kind, my friends
68. How strange their ends
69. On me your frowns
70. And must such beauty suffer?
71. Streams of pleasure ever flowing
72. Ere this their doom is past
73. Oh love divine

1. O be joyful in the world
2. Serve the Lord with gladness
3. Be ye sure that the Lord He is God
4. O go your way into His gates
5. For the Lord is gracious
6. Glory be to the Father
7. As it was in the beginning
Utrecht Te Deum, Übersicht 2. Serve the Lord with gladness
3. Be ye sure that the Lord He is God
4. O go your way into His gates
5. For the Lord is gracious
6. Glory be to the Father
7. As it was in the beginning

1A We praise thee, O God
1B All the earth doth worship thee
1C To thee all Angels cry aloud
1D To thee, Cherubin and Seraphim
2A The glorious company of the Apostles praise
2B Thou art the King of glory
3A When Thou tookest upon thee
3B When Thou hadst overcome
3C Thou sittest at the right hand of God
4 We believe that Thou shalt come
5A Day by day we magnify thee
5B And we worship thy name
6 Vouchsafe, O Lord
7 O Lord, in thee have I trusted
Wedding Anthem No. 1, This is the day which the Lord has made 1A We praise thee, O God
1B All the earth doth worship thee
1C To thee all Angels cry aloud
1D To thee, Cherubin and Seraphim
2A The glorious company of the Apostles praise
2B Thou art the King of glory
3A When Thou tookest upon thee
3B When Thou hadst overcome
3C Thou sittest at the right hand of God
4 We believe that Thou shalt come
5A Day by day we magnify thee
5B And we worship thy name
6 Vouchsafe, O Lord
7 O Lord, in thee have I trusted

1. This is the day which the Lord has made
2. Blessed is the man that hath a virtuous wife
3. A good wife is a good portion
4. Strength and honor are her clothing
5. As the sun when it rises in the high heaven
6. We will remember Thy name
7. We will remember Thy name; Hallelujah, Amen
Wedding Anthem No. 2, Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth 2. Blessed is the man that hath a virtuous wife
3. A good wife is a good portion
4. Strength and honor are her clothing
5. As the sun when it rises in the high heaven
6. We will remember Thy name
7. We will remember Thy name; Hallelujah, Amen

1. Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth
2. Blessed are all they that fear the Lord
3. Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine
4. Lo, thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord
5. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
6. And let the people say: Amen, Hallelujah Amen
2. Blessed are all they that fear the Lord
3. Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine
4. Lo, thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord
5. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
6. And let the people say: Amen, Hallelujah Amen